Gilbert George Apps

Geo's Password Bank 1.0
It's hard to keep all those passwords inyourhead, this days we have passwords for everything, password forthatnew bank account, password for a new mobile banking and so onandso forth, Geo Password bank helps you manage all these passwordsbykeeping them all in one place, while having just onegeneralpassword to keep in mind, try the app and see, i granteeyou, itwill make your life easier, don't take my word for it tryityourself
The NfC App 1.0
It is a simple Application, that helps youreadand write to an NFC tag, which can be helpful in storingimportantdata, keeping them well secure and when needed easilyread....
Parables of Jesus for toddlers 1.0
This application is made up of four ofthefamous parables of Christ and has a definite moral lesson toeachparable, to educate your kids and allow them to understandthelessons of JesusIt has the functionality of the text to speech, in other words,itcan read the stories out loud if you or your kids are feelingalittle lazy to read. it is an amazing application and it willhelpin brings Christ's lessons to your kids at an early age.
Names of Jehovah 0.0.1
The app contains a detailed explanation of the names of Godwithbiblical references and extensive description by ProfessionalsinHebrew and the Bible. it contains most if not all the names ofGodmention in the Bible and it is easy to read with large textsizesand easy functionality